Minnesota Office of Higher Education

Compare Similar Programs


Find out which other schools offer similar programs and compare the quality of alternative choices. Statewide information on Minnesota programs and institutions can be found on CAREERwise Education (Internet System for Education and Employment Knowledge).

Contact individual institutions to explore program options. Consult the list of Minnesota licensed and registered private institutions, links to public and private institutions in Minnesota, and links to public institutions in North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin that are included under tuition reciprocity agreements.

The following organizations also provide information on some of the programs available in Minnesota:

Minnesota Career College Association
Programs at 14 career colleges

Minnesota Private College Council
Programs at 17 liberal arts colleges

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU)
Programs at 30 colleges and 7 universities with 54 campuses throughout the state and offers 3,885 academic programs taught by exceptional faculty

University of Minnesota (U of M)
Programs at 5 campuses